Lynne Potter Lord Academy

My Story


The beginning of my health journey goes back to when I was a teenager with fairly serious acne. My mother took me to the doctor because she was afraid I may get boils on my skin like my father did as a young man. Armed with good intentions, the prescription I received from the doctor – for long term antibiotics, laid the groundwork for my lifelong struggles with weight gain, hormonal issues and eventually an autoimmune disease.

Tetrayclene, a very powerful drug, like all antibiotics, kills all microbes indiscriminately. Not only are the bad ones destroyed, but by definition, the good ones are as well. Now we know that when we kill off the bad ones, we must replace with good ones. We also now know that we must feed microbes the proper combinations of fiber in order to supply them with the raw material they need to establish and thrive within us. This enables our cells to create the specific chemistry needed to serve cellular functions, as well as body system requirements for our overall health and wellness.

It is finally generally accepted that the gut environment and the 2.5 kilos of microbes in the average adult gut, forms a separate organ, and as such, supplies a large part of the DNA used by our bodies. Microbe DNA outnumbers our human DNA! Once we know how the connection between our food and the health of our microbiome affect our ENTIRE physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, we can see the gut-brain and mind-body connection and affect more change for ourselves. Changing our internal environment, in our gut as well as our brain, can make huge change in our thoughts and feelings as well as help with our mood, skin health, weight management, brain fog or memory and much much more.

Since discovering the roots of my health issues, I have studied and practiced many things to enhance my health and wellbeing. This includes the 5 years of research I did before I decided to write the Food-Mood Connection. Discovering the benefits of Probiotics to gut-brain impact and auto-immunity diseases has been literally life changing. When I discovered the power of Hypnosis from a neighbour, I was forever changed and destined to a new path in life. 

I am very happy to help and support people with issues stemming from symptoms coming from food and eating, which now are known to include anxiety, eating disorders, IBS, and a host of auto-immune issues including eczema, psoriasis and more. I am most happy to help and serve others to make successful changes in their habits and results form changing their thought process.